Mindfulness for Smarter Living

Relax - nothing is under control If you would like to learn or deepen your practice of meditation or mindfulness, please contact Martin.

Martin is especially keen on supporting social entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and facilitators, applying mindfulness to living and working, change makers and their teams, relationships and combinations with the outdoors: hiking, skiing, climbing, mountain biking.

Martin shares his experience and insight based on Theravada Buddhism, combined with insight from applying it in his life and work, and specialises in transforming deep and extensive concepts into something simple, jargon free, practical and common sense. There are no belief systems or intellectual concepts. Your Granny would understand it and everyone could apply tools and find benefit in their life.

Buddhism without the Buddhism, if you like. Or perhaps, The Buddha’s Top Tips for happier, healthier lives and relationships.

Click for an example of Martin’s training.

Chill homie, you need to let that shit go - Buddha

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