Smarter. Sharper. Together.
Caterfly is a business co-created by Martin Grimshaw and Francois Knuchel, with support from Thriving Planet CIC. Caterfly offers services to organisations going through change or introducing new ways of working. Turning the whole ‘change management’ process on its head, we use a whole system collaborative transformation approach, inviting everybody with a stake to co-create the plan for change in a way that works for everybody, harnesses real-world ‘on the job’ experience and insight, and works with company culture.
Why? Because the traditional top-down approach to planning and managing change has been proven to be ineffective, usually meets resistance, tends to ‘push against’ workplace culture, ignores the ‘real world’ wisdom of staff, leaves management desperately trying to get buy-in and engagement, while staff often feel disempowered and uninvolved in the process.
The Caterfly process can be used to implement work-organisation systems like Sociocracy, Agile, Lean or Holacracy, sustainability management systems, to solve complex company wide challenges, drive innovation, or introduce self-managing or ‘Reinventing Organisations’ and ‘Teal’ style shifts.
Caterfly also provides facilitation services, training and consultancy and runs events related to improving workplace satisfaction, engagement, self-managing teams, department effectiveness and collective wellbeing.
Caterfly is the creator of the influential Shift events: an unManifesto for #OrgShift – reimagining the purpose of business, helping workplaces work better.
Please do go to our website to learn more about how we can help you; why not sign up to our Smarter Working blog while you’re there?